Cloud-based Virtual Environments for Hands-On Bioinformatic Training Courses

A session at the CarpentryConnect Heidelberg 2024 and BioNT Community Event

Hands-on training in bioinformatics often requires participants to follow an instructor by entering commands or running tools in a specific execution environment (e.g. Linux). These environments often require a specific set-up of tools and libraries to be prepared in advance, which can be an obstacle for potential participants if they have to do the work on their own. This also poses a risk to the course delivery if participants are using different systems and versions or have not been able to complete the preparation. In the German Competence Center Cloud Technologies for Data Management and Processing (de.KCD), we are using the de.NBI Cloud along with the course module of the SimpleVM solution to specify, configure, prepare and deploy virtual environments for course participants. Thereby, we can also make use of the flexibility and scalability of the de.NBI Cloud and its IT infrastructure to tailor resource, tool and environment requirements specifically to the needs of a given course. In this breakout discussion, we will introduce the de.NBI Cloud and SimpleVM and showcase how we use this system for our training activities. Based on that, we would like to start a discussion if and how this environment can be adopted by trainers and institutes outside of the current scope of de.NBI and de.KCD, also potentially including industrial partners. In addition, we want to identify current needs and obstacles for other trainers with regard to the use of virtual (trusted) research and learning environments, what systems or solutions they are currently using, and how such systems can be incorporated into online- and self-learning content and offerings.

Date: 12.11.2024 11:30 - 12.11.2024 14:00 - True

Location: Heidelberg, Germany

Organizer: de.KCD & BioNT and The Carpentries

Presence: hybrid

Capacity: None

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