de.KCD: a Competence Center for RDM and all things Cloud

A workshop at the E-Science-Days 2025 Conference

As researchers navigate the complexities of big data, they often find themselves struggling to manage and analyze large datasets or to automate analysis processes in streamlined workflows. Cloud computing environments offer a promising solution, but getting started can be daunting. In this workshop, we'll explore how the German Competence Center for Cloud Technologies (de.KCD) supports researchers in harnessing the power of cloud computing for big data analysis by making use of the de.NBI Cloud, a national research infrastructure that provides scalable and on-demand access to computational resources and storage with a strong connection to the NFDIs. The de.KCD is a cross-location contact point for teaching skills in data management and standardized data analysis, particularly utilizing cloud-based technologies, resources and methods. Among others, we focus on active technical and educational support in the development of software stacks and workflows that are necessary for the scalable and flexible processing of distributed data sets. The provision of virtual learning and working environments lowers the barriers to accessing these cloud infrastructure. Even though de.KCD has its roots in the life sciences, the solutions developed and learning materials offered are generally interdisciplinary in nature and are, therefore, relevant to all scientists regardless of their domain. Participants of this workshop will be introduced to de.KCD in general and to solutions like SimpleVM, Jupyter Notebooks or Galaxy in order to deploy and manage virtual machines tailored to their specific research needs or to run FAIR analysis workflows on various research data. Short hands-on examples and real-world use cases will demonstrate how researchers can leverage the de.KCD's expertise and the de.NBI Cloud infrastructure to analyze data utilizing cloud resources more comprehensively, faster and more sustainable.

Date: 12.03.2025 13:30 - 12.03.2025 15:00 - True

Location: Heidelberg, Germany

Organizer: de.KCD

Presence: onsite

Capacity: None

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