Weathering the Storm: Managing Research Data in the Cloud

de.KCD & de.NBI at the Research Data Day 2024 by Forschungszentrum Jülich & RWTH Aachen University

Research Data Day takes place every year on the second Tuesday in November. It is a campaign organized across the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) dedicated to the topic of research data management (RDM). The motto of what will be the 4th Research Data Day in NRW is "Into the data garden: make your research bloom". The state initiative is organizing an online programme (in German) in the morning, which we will follow in the lecture theatre of the Peter Grünberg Institute (PGI). After having lunch together in the Seecasino, the local afternoon programme (in English) will begin under the tagline "Successful research networks: growing together with data" where several parallel mini workshops will take place. Here, the infrastructure projects de.NBI & de.KCD will host a short session. As researchers navigate the complexities of big data, they often find themselves struggling to manage and analyze large datasets. Cloud computing environments offer a promising solution, but getting started can be daunting. In this session, we'll explore how the German Competence Center for Cloud Technologies (de.KCD) supports researchers in harnessing the power of cloud computing for big data analysis by making use of the de.NBI Cloud, a national research infrastructure that provides scalable and on-demand access to computational resources and storage. Participants will be introduced into solutions like SimpleVM to deploy and manage virtual machines tailored to their specific research needs. Short hands-on examples and real-world use cases will demonstrate how researchers can leverage the de.KCD's expertise and the de.NBI Cloud infrastructure to analyze bigger data in a cloud environment.

Date: 12.11.2024 08:30 - 12.11.2024 17:30 - True

Location: Jülich, Germany

Organizer: FZJ, RWTH Aachen, de.KCD, de.NBI, DKZ.2R, HDS-LEE Graduate School, HMC

Presence: onsite

Capacity: None

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